Posted February 20, 2018 by
International Defensive Pistol Association
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There is still time to send in your 2018 IDPA National Championship SO and Staff Entry Form
IDPA has uploaded the Safety Officer and Staff Entry Forms online today. We are looking for dedicated staff to help run this years National Championship.
The 2018 IDPA US National Championship is scheduled for September 13th – 15th, 201 8 at the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Talladega Marks manship Park in Talladega, AL. This match will draw over 300 top competitors from all over the US as well as several cou ntries from around the world . This is a great facility and we are excited to see you there.
Staff SOing the match must be certified safety officers but there are a number of non – SO positions that are available as well. If you are not a certified SO, don’t let that stop you from submitting your application.
Working the match is a fun, challenging and rewarding experience. Staff will have the option of shooting the event on a split day format, Tuesday and Wednesday, or completing it al l in one day on Wednesd ay. Staff will not pay the match entry fee. If you live more than 40 minutes from the range, IDPA will provide lodging (sharing a room with one other staff person). Those staff that choose to travel from home every day will receive a $150 reimbursement for gas.
The entry form may be found by
or by going to the Nationals event page at
We look forw ard to seeing you at Talladega!
Please send this SO application in as soon as possible. This form must be returned by Feb. 27 th to be considered. SO selection will take place on week of March 12th.
MAIL ENTRIES TO: IDPA CHAMPIONSHIP, 2232 CR 719, Berryville, AR 72616 or email them to ro****@id**.You may also fax them to 870 – 545 – 3894.