Posted June 15, 2021 by

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Points for Nationals

We at HQ get asked, “How many points does it take to get into Nationals?” The honest answer is, we really don’t know until after registration is closed.

Let’s say there are 400 spots open in the match. And 600 people apply. The top shooter has 70 points and the lowest is zero. But the 400th shooter, ranking shooters by the number of points they’ve accrued, has 20 points. That means that it took 20 points to make the cut.

But let’s say that there are 400 spots open in the match and 600 people apply. The top shooter has 70 points again and the lowest amount was zero. But the 390th shooter, ranking them again by the number of points, was 1. That means that the first 10 people that registered, out of all the shooters that registered that have zero points, will get in. So in that case, the number of points it took to get into nationals was zero.

The point is, we don’t know how many it will take, but we encourage all shooters interested in shooting in the national championship match to apply. If you need to know how many points you have, you can look in your dashboard at any time. If you have a question about the number of points you have, please get it cleared up by emailing he**@id**.com before you register for the match.



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