Posted May 30, 2024 by

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Area Coordinators News from IDPA

New IDPA International Point of Contact Announced

IDPA Headquarters announced that Barnabas Antali has been appointed as the International Point of Contact (IPOC) for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.

Barnabas founded the Globus Shooting Club (CL374551) in 2014, and opened an indoor shooting range in 2017. “As of today, I have more than a hundred members in my club, with more than 50 members having IDPA membership. My club supports 20 percent of IDPA shooters in Hungary. I have organized more than a hundred IDPA matches since 2017.”

“Since 2021 I have been the leader of the IDPA Department in the Hungarian Dynamic Sport Shooting Federation (CL462172). We have 9 clubs and more than 250 shooters who have IDPA membership. The last three years was a tough period for everyone (Covid, economic crisis), but we managed to grow continuously through hard work.”

Antali joined IDPA in 2016. “I always liked shooting sports, but when I started shooting IDPA I felt that I had found my place. I love this sport and the community. I really enjoy going to foreign competitions where I always find new friends and meet old ones. Although these weekends are often physically exhausting, they recharge me spiritually”.

What are the new IPOC’s plans for the future? “My main mission is to improve IDPA in my area. I want to strengthen the relationship between the clubs inside the area. I think that we can achieve everything if we work together. I want more SOI’s in this area. I will work hard to help all the organizers so we can have more high-quality sanctioned matches, and more Tier 1 matches because that’s the base of our sport. I see a great protentional in this area. I want to share my knowledge and experiences to help the other clubs and organizers. I want to build a cohesive community where everybody can find their place and have a great time”.

Antali lives in Százhalombatta, Hungary, with his girlfriend and a cat named Chili. “My original profession is as an accountant. A few years ago I completed a sports management course. I am currently an entrepreneur, working as a shooting range manager”.

“Finally, If anyone wants to shoot IDPA and has questions, my door is always open to them, in person (at the shooting range, at a match) or by email. If clubs want to start organizing, I am happy to share my experience and help them with their work.”


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