Posted December 24, 2023 by

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Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends and IDPA members,

Family has been on my mind lately, as we approach Christmas and a new year. Nothing is more important to me than family. But a family can be defined as much more than blood relatives. I’m so proud that at IDPA, we consider ourselves one big family. And like any family, we have our struggles and our triumphs, our struggles and our joys.

And to me, the shooting community is family as well. I would like to thank all our members that work to preserve all our 2A rights. Whether it was getting additional training and being a safe gun owner, to talking to congressional members to protect our rights, I am so proud of the work our shooting community members do to help us all defend the right to protect ourselves however we choose to do so.

As I reflect back on 2023, I want to acknowledge how amazingly each and every one of our IDPA HQ staff members have performed. Throughout the year, I’ve continued to see our HQ family and our senior volunteers come together to support matches and match staff in any way they can. Your acts of dedication, optimism, positivity, kindness, and unfaltering perseverance keep me grateful to have such an amazing team. I am so very grateful for each and every one of you.

Further, I would like to express my gratitude for our Regional Area Coordinator Leads, Area Coordinators, International Points of Contact, and all our supporting staff members for their tireless work. I cannot thank everyone enough for the hard work, patience, and commitment to our members this past year.

Finally, I want to thank our HQ Staff. Chris, Kitty and Mandy put their hearts into each and every day. They go over and above for our membership. I am incredibly blessed to be able to call them friends as well as co-workers.

I am blessed to be a member of our whole IDPA community.

As 2023 comes to a close, I pray we can focus our efforts on a safe, and wonderful New Year, with many more matches and IDPA successes. I hope 2024 sees our unmatched love to our God and family, and of service to our country and shooting community.

I hope that you and your family will be able to embrace peace, love, and happiness this

holiday season and carry those feelings into the New Year.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.

Joyce Wilson

Executive Director


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